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Elephant's Big Solo

Elephant's Big Solo

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Elephant’s favorite class is music. She loves playing the French horn and performing with all her friends. However, when Ms. Gator suggests that everyone play a solo at the school concert, Elephant hesitates. The thought of performing alone makes her heart race and her stomach twist.

Luckily, Elephant thinks of another way to perform a solo, one that allows her to shine alongside a full orchestra of her friends.

Sarah Kurpiel’s accessible text is pitch-perfect, and her expressive artwork is irresistible. Elephant’s Big Solo explores social anxiety in a sensitive and thoughtful way, always assuring young readers that Elephant stays true to herself. Readers will applaud when Elephant gains the confidence to show her true talents. Elephant’s Big Solo is an excellent choice for social and emotional learning, as well as story-time sharing.
